Eligibility & Levels Of Subsidy

D. Eligibility and Levels of Subsidy


Levels of eligible fee subsidy#1 AFI (For Refrence Only) Maximum Amount of Fee Remission (All fees are subject to EDB's approval)
F.1 F.2 F.3 F.4 F.5 DSE F.5 GCE F.6 DSE F.6 GCE
100%* $ 0 - $44,495 58,000 55,000 57,000 54,000 50,500 62,000 48,000 62,000
80% 46,400 44,000 45,600 43,200 40,400 49,600 38,400 49,600
50% $44,496 - $86,039 29,000 27,500 28,500 27,000 25,250 31,000 24,000 31,000
40% 23,200 22,000 22,500 21,600 20,200 24,800 19,200 24,800
Ineligible Above $86,039 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


*AFI thresholds for full level of assistance for 3-member and 4-member families are $53,868 and $49,559 respectively in the 2024 / 25 school year. For 2-member single-parent families and 3-member single-parent families, they are regarded as 3-member families and 4-member families respectively for determining the AFI thresholds for full level of assistance and calculation of AFI.


#1 For all new applicants from 2017 / 18, the maximum level of subsidy will be 80% and 40% for the Full Fee Remission and the Half Fee Remission respectively, subject to the availability of the fund and the number of application.


#2 The administration cost will be charged for the late successful applications. Maximum 75% of the approved amount will be given for the late successful applications and the amount of eligible subsidy will only be counted starting from the month of submission of completed application form.